Last night, I
was so fortunate because I was able to participate in a Question & Answer
with Ms. Ansela Corsino, an established author
in Wattpad & Amazon. According to her website, she’s a graphic artist
living here in the Philippines. The event was hosted by another established
author, Ms. Mina V. Esguerra. The Q&A
was done on Facebook, around 37 people participated in the said event. We posted
questions about writing/publishing and advices for us hopeful writers to
succeed like her. For me, I
only have two questions:
And her answers are:
It’s great that Ms. Mina also participated in answering some questions because she also have some insights on what it means to write and to be published or self-published.
The event ended at 11pm(Manila Time) and all participants had a wonderful time with Ms. Ansela and Ms. Mina. I hope I can join more events like this in the coming months. :)
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nice to have to that momentum again to write for my audience in Wattpad. I’m so
pumped up that I already finished editing for my next chapter.
After my editing, I read again one of the books in my Wattpad library. I nearly
finished it last year but I decided to re-read again what I learn. The book is
entitled, Cracking the Wattpad Code by Michael Limjoco. It's an amazing book!
Tells his story on how he achieved the following:
page of the Hot list in Five Categories
being featured on the front page of Wattpad
for 2013 Watty Awards in Sci-Fi/Fantasy
many more!
The book is easy to understand and you can relate to the experience he had, starting
from zero readership to 1M+ readership.
He also explain the difference between being in the hot list and being featured.
This topic is so important to me because this is where I'll differentiate my
Wattpad success. Being
in the hot list means that you've written a good story, good grammar and you
have a massive number of reads. While being feature means that you've written a
story that is good enough to be prose, good grammar and a fair number of reads.
In order for me to reach my goal, I have to choose being featured. It's true that it’s also important to have many reads but
being a featured means your writing can be par with a New York Times bestseller
even though you're a nobody.
There are 3 ways that your story can be featured:
independently scouted by Wattpad
a published author that has internal arrangements with Wattpad.
can submit your story to Wattpad for review.
thinking I'll choose no. 3. What do you think? Write in the comment section below.