Monday, April 11, 2016

Why I miss Undertale?

Hi guys! I've been so busy lately about my personal and blogging life as well. But, we have to keep it going. Lately, I'm miss playing Undertale. The game that I bought last January but I can't play it right now due to some activities that I have to prioritize (Trust me they're so important!). So far I played it on the first few hours but I haven't reach the ending yet. Yesterday, I felt the urge of playing it again, but I can't. :( That's why I created a poem, to dedicate my love to play the game. Enjoy! XD

After I bought it last January
I haven't played it again
That is why I feel so weary
Numb and so sorry

Im so busy, I can't even open it
I choose to prioritize and be strict about it
But I still feel the pain of longing to play
I think this will last, its not easy to slay

After all the pain, I'll offer two days
I know this is enough, a window for my vain
Must endure all sufferings, get my head to the game
Hang on UNDERTALE, you shall be save!

Like my poem? Like my Facebook Page and follow me on Twitter! XD

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Power bank saves lives

There’s this one time that I was in a restaurant with my friends and I have to call my wife. I called her thru my cell phone but I didn’t realize I was low battery. Good thing one of my friends has a power bank. Before, I don’t believe in the capability of the device because you can always bring your charger. But what if you’re in a place wherein there’s no available outlet? I’m now planning to buy one of these days.

Do you have a power bank? Just click the ad at the right portion, just below the blog archive and it will direct you to the power bank item in

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Monday, April 4, 2016

Why you must become the villain?

I remembered making this quote last year. It generated eight likes and one shared post. I created this quote after watching the re-runs of The Dark Knight. I think it's about time that I also share this quote to others. Enjoy!

Saturday, April 2, 2016

The risk of believing in reviews

Me and my wife just saw Batman v Superman a while ago. But before we’ve watched it, I saw in the newsfeed in my Facebook and Entertainment sites that the movie was a bomb. I was sceptical about the reviews at first because these kinds of criticism are not something new. And other people have their own criteria in what a great movie is.

I told this to my wife and immediately she believed it but I encourage her to still watch it with me. After watching it, we had fun and we’re now excited for the sequel.

I’m not saying that we shouldn’t believe in reviews anymore because it helps us to be inform, save money and make the right decisions. We should also keep in mind that there’s also a risk and opportunity if you believe an online review.

The ability to handle your expectations is still depends on you.

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