Saturday, April 2, 2016

The risk of believing in reviews

Me and my wife just saw Batman v Superman a while ago. But before we’ve watched it, I saw in the newsfeed in my Facebook and Entertainment sites that the movie was a bomb. I was sceptical about the reviews at first because these kinds of criticism are not something new. And other people have their own criteria in what a great movie is.

I told this to my wife and immediately she believed it but I encourage her to still watch it with me. After watching it, we had fun and we’re now excited for the sequel.

I’m not saying that we shouldn’t believe in reviews anymore because it helps us to be inform, save money and make the right decisions. We should also keep in mind that there’s also a risk and opportunity if you believe an online review.

The ability to handle your expectations is still depends on you.

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  1. I loved Batman vs. Superman too! There were some cheesy scenes for sure, but all in all it was pretty entertaining! I think the critics were too harsh on this because it was a Ben Affleck movie - hehe.. My husband thinks maybe people are used to Marvel movies so they don't appreciate the cut-to-cut comic book feel of DC movies. In any case, I agree with you, I don't really put a lot of stock on critic reviews. I only pay attention to reviews when i'm on the fence about watching/trying something out. Like you said, different people have different criteria/tastes when assessing something right? :)

    1. Yup! You're right on the money! XD About the movie, I agree with your husband. I think the people are so used to Marvel Movies(action sequence after 10 mins. hahahaha)

  2. I always read online reviews first, but of course I know that I have a personal taste so I don't base my decisions solely on this. That saying, I didn't watch Batman versus Superman because friends have a general consensus that it was bad. :p

    1. That's a good thing to know! XD About the movie, I leave that to you. Batman and Superman can't please everybody. XD


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