Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Power bank saves lives

There’s this one time that I was in a restaurant with my friends and I have to call my wife. I called her thru my cell phone but I didn’t realize I was low battery. Good thing one of my friends has a power bank. Before, I don’t believe in the capability of the device because you can always bring your charger. But what if you’re in a place wherein there’s no available outlet? I’m now planning to buy one of these days.

Do you have a power bank? Just click the ad at the right portion, just below the blog archive and it will direct you to the power bank item in Lazada.com.ph.

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  1. Yes, I do have a powerbank and I bought it from Lazada. It is indeed a life-saver especially for an iPhone, which battery drains easily.

    1. Especially today that it is a necessity to be connected or be left behind...

  2. Yes, power banks are really a necessity these days. We don't know when we might run out of battery. And also our smartphone's battery may be drained fast especially if do intensive tasks on it. This is also very important for bloggers especially in covering for events. Thank you for reminding people of its importance.

    1. Because of those needs I hope there will be new technology that can further advance the efficiency of the batteries. Let's not also forget that it should be environment friendly... :)

  3. When you're out and no power outlet on site, add to that your CP is power hungry, this thingy that occupies a space in your bag will be your best buddy. Just don't drain your battery to a critical level, otherwise, a powerbank cannot be of help that much.

    1. Yup! Powerbanks should be treated as a "spare" with a high priority of maintenance. :)

  4. I love power banks. I guess they are the perfect invention for smartphone addicts like me. I always carry mine with me. Its great support. :-)


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